
5 Common Benefits of ABA Therapy

ABA therapy is a behavior intervention to help individuals with autism spectrum disorders create appropriate behaviors and learn coping mechanisms. ABA focuses on teaching through one-on-one tutoring or the use of a system of rewards. It is a type of interpersonal therapy that focuses on teaching children what they can do rather than what they can’t do. ABA is used to teach basic concepts and social interaction skills that can be difficult to teach a child with autism. Focusing on the task at hand while still being rewarded for good behavior is important in setting up patterns that make life easier for those with ABA.

1. Teaches Social Skills

ABA therapy teaches children and adults with autism spectrum disorders how to interact, communicate and relate to others. Basic social skills are needed for the individual with ASD to hold a conversation, interact with others, and function effectively in society. ABA teaches children how to use gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and expressions of emotion correctly. These abilities can make all the difference for someone who is nonverbal or has minimal verbal skills.

2. Improves Cognitive Functioning

ABA is used to help those with autism in cognitive functioning. The goal of ABA therapy is to create appropriate behaviors through one-on-one therapy and to use these behaviors in various settings. This allows the child with ABA to learn skills that will help them be more successful in multiple locations and in life. Too many destructive behaviors can lead to the child being placed in jail or sent away from home because they cannot control their behavior. You can find an ABA therapy in Michigan, or an area near you, that teaches how to communicate and interact with others, which helps them feel comfortable in various settings. This can help them learn how to attend school, participate in activities and make friends, which is often very important when they are young.

3. Improves Independent Living Skills

ABA therapy teaches children to function independently, an essential element of independence. Learning to do basic activities alone, such as dressing and bathing, can benefit those with ASD. This will allow them to have more autonomy and freedom in their lives without a caregiver by their side. ABA focuses on teaching more about self-care, which helps those with autism feel more in control of their lives.

4. Helps Parents and Teachers

ABA therapists will work with the parents and teachers to help them understand their child’s behaviors to address them appropriately. It allows the entire family to work together and better understand the unique needs of a child with autism. ABA therapy allows everyone to learn new skills so that everyone is educating themselves and benefiting from one another. Using correct behaviors helps those with autism become more comfortable in social settings, which makes it easier for them to be successful at school. Providing structure and how establishing routines can help a child without ASD feel safe and comfortable in a variety of settings. ABA helps those providing support and care to children with autism to maintain control.

5. Increases Life Satisfaction

ABA therapy is used to help increase the quality of life for those with autism. ABA therapy can help those who have difficulties making friends, interacting with others, and being more productive in the workplace. This can help individuals with autism spectrum disorders become more successful and feel more comfortable in the world. A lack of ability to communicate, interact, and function in society can make a person feel very alone. Once the individual has learned effective behaviors and skills, they can move into the community and away from schools, hospitals, or other institutional settings where they might receive ABA therapy. This can help them live more independently and learn to be more successful.


ABA therapy can be a very effective and beneficial treatment for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. The goal of this therapy is to teach the child how to use communication and other cognitive skills so that they can have more control over their lives. ABA teaches children how to interact with others and make friends, which is crucial when the child is young and just beginning to learn social skills. ABA therapy teaches life skills that set kids up for success in school and work and helps them feel more comfortable in social settings.

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