
6 Easy Steps to Make a Small Business Logo

This guide shows you the six steps you need to take to make a small business logo. We’ll walk you through the process and tell you the best links to more in-depth guides so you can learn typography and color theory at your own pace. In the end, you’ll have a small business logo that you made that looks good and fits your brand.

How to Make a Small Business Logo?

1- Know what your brand is.

The personality of a brand is at the heart of every logo. Every decision you make about your logo design will depend on what kind of brand you are (or want to be). The first step is to figure out what kind of brand you want to be.

Your brand shouldn’t just be a reflection of your tastes. It would help if you built your brand around your business’s industry, market openings, target customers, business model, value proposition, and other relevant factors, like your reputation. In the next step, you’ll see how design choices like colors and shapes can help you reach these goals, but only if you know where to go.

2- Make sure your small business logo has the right parts.

Colors, shapes, and fonts are any small business logo’s three most important parts. Even though that seems simple, each area has a long history and a lot of experience that takes a lifetime to learn. This is why designers who are good at what they do aren’t cheap.

Your small business logo’s color should be based on color theory, which says how colors mix, match, or contrast and what colors make people feel a certain way. In other words, different colors make us feel different things. For example, red makes us feel passionate or rushed, while blue makes us feel safe and at ease.

Since you already ranked your branding traits in the last step, all you have to do to choose your small business logo colors is match your top traits with the meanings of the logo colors listed in the link. Because you might want more than one color, make sure you know about color theory and how to mix and match colors. You can also look at logos’ most used color combinations to get ideas.

3- Know how design works on a basic level

You need to know what makes a good logo to make one that fits your small business.

First, you need to decide which of the seven types of logos (abstract, mascot, combination, emblem, a letter mark, pictorial, and wordmark) you want to use. Each has its pros and cons, so you should look at all of them before making a choice.

It also helps to know all the different parts of a logo and how they work together. The main ones are color, shape, and type, but you must also consider size, tone, and signals for your business.

4- See if you like any of the current logo trends.

Keeping up with design trends is another important part of logo design. Because people’s tastes in style change over time, it’s important to keep up with design trends if you want to look modern or at least not old.

5- Find the right software for designing.

In addition to making creative choices, you must choose the right design software. There is no “one best software,” and the software that works best depends on your work. Each piece of software is made for different people with different needs and different levels of skill. The best option is to go with a logo designing service for your small business logo. 

6- Put in the time to make it

Now that you’ve done all the planning, it’s time to make your logo. Depending on what you want, this part of the process could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few weeks.

Don’t give up on making your logo if the first one you make doesn’t look like what you had in mind. Graphic design is a skill that gets better with practice, so your first attempt will probably not be the best. Just keep going and fix the parts that aren’t working until you get the hang of it.


Since you just started your business, your logo doesn’t need to say much. The best choice for a small business logo is to keep it simple and attractive.

ghiselle rousso

Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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