Digital Marketing

7 Unmissable video marketing strategies you should know

Video marketing is one of the top-of-the-mind strategies for every business. Video consumption has increased during the post-pandemic period, with more people working from home. In 2020 alone, 83% of Internet customers in the US accessed digital video content.

At least 86% of marketers have realized the importance of videos and are marking them as an essential strategy. However, including video in your marketing assets is not enough; you need to create engaging scripts and concepts. It needs to connect with the desired audience and enhance your brand’s visibility.

Curating a defined strategy that considers your target audience, personal goals, and business needs is essential for video marketing success. People will remember what they see more than what they read or hear. The visuals are more impactful for your business, and that’s why you need to be more observant about the market before creating the videos. Using a good free promo video maker can also enhance the outcome.

The idea behind having videos to market your business is to attract customers, educate them, nurture them to move ahead in the funnel, and finally convert them. There should be a video for every user stage, and each video should contain the desired message. 

Video Marketing Strategies You Cannot Ignore

When using video marketing to attract, engage and convert your customers, you need to use the most defining strategies. Here, we will take you through some of the most effective methods to help you convert better:

1. Focus on Storytelling

It is imperative for the marketer in you to start thinking of ROI as soon as you work on a piece of content. While the returns are essential, you should first focus on creating the piece.

When developing the script for the video, focus on telling a story that will engage the customers. For example, instead of showcasing the power of your product directly, talk about the pain points the user has. Tell them how these pain points led to losses for the persona. 

Once you have built the story, you can show the hero of your story – the product. Tell the viewer how the product can help solve these pain points quickly. 

If you focused on sales, you would show the product but not discuss the benefit. Eventually, it will be a downer of a video, and no one will show any interest in viewing it.

2. Converse with your Audience

Traditionally, videos did the talking while the customers watched them. Now, it is time to converse with the audience. Talk to them instead of telling them. There is a slight difference in the videos that communicate with the audience versus those that tell them about the product. 

When you communicate with them, you are answering those unspoken and unasked questions. You are dropping hints on how your product can help solve all the issues they are practically facing. 

When people realize that they are not the only ones facing this issue, and several others have used this solution, they might want to join the bandwagon. A video is thus an excellent tool to connect and communicate with them. 

3. Make them Effective without Sound

A lot of times, people play videos without the sound on. For example, you might be watching a reel without sound because someone is sleeping in your room. You are sometimes on the bus or local transport, and you don’t want to increase the volume. 

You need to touch these viewers with your videos. Make sure your video is interactive even when played without sound. Use exciting graphics and small yet catchy text to connect with the end-users. 

You have accomplished a great deal if you can create a compelling tale that doesn’t need sound. 

4. Add a CTA

This strategy never gets old, as marketers need to compel customers to take the necessary action. Creating a digital asset makes customers complete the action and convert them into a lead or customer. 

For example, if you are a writing website and want customers to take up your content writing services, you would include a CTA that compels them to visit the website and check your pricing. If you are a SaaS tool, your CTA would be to take the free trial. 

Depending on the video content and your goals, you need to define the CTA. If your goal is to increase visibility, you could get people to subscribe to your channel or like your page.

Defining the metrics beforehand can help you incorporate the suitable CTA to grab more viewership and conversions. 

It is equally vital to define where you need to place the CTA button. It cannot be everywhere in the video. You can either place it in the middle or have it at the end of the video.

5. Create Under One-Minute Content

It is tempting to create a long video that will communicate all the points you want to tell your customers. However, you know that the attention span is limited to less than a minute. You have precisely 60 seconds to communicate your significant ideas. 

Creating under one-minute content is one of the winning strategies for marketing videos that you cannot ignore. It can help you attract attention, keep audiences engaged, and lead them to convert.

If your video is more extensive, there is a good chance the user might skip it or ignore it completely. Eventually, they wouldn’t be aware of how useful it is in reality. 

6. Focus on the Importance of the First Few Seconds

The first few seconds in a video are when your user is most attentive. If you capture their attention in those seconds, you have a winning video in hand. There is a good chance they will watch the video till the end and click on the CTA.

It would help if you thought through the first few seconds of the video. Identify what will work best with your customers. Know what kind of content they are looking at when browsing. 

7. Use Attractive Thumbnails

Most viewers will click on your video and start watching it if the thumbnail interests them. It is the thumbnail that acts as the face of the video. If your thumbnail doesn’t convey the context of the video, you may not get the viewer to click on the content.

Think about the most relevant thumbnail and how viewers will relate to it. Once you have your pick, make sure it communicates your video’s theme to the viewers. Thumbnails attract attention and get more people to click on the video. 


It is important that you strategize and plan your videos well before moving ahead with the execution. Every content piece should be well-ideated and you should have a definitive idea of what you want to showcase.

Apart from talking to your users, you should also think through the goal you want to achieve through the video. create a video creation process that will help you leverage the power of this medium and release videos more quickly into the market. 

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about How to Start Marketing Your Business then visit our Business category

abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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