
Top 7 Solutions to Cut Poverty in the US

These days, finding a solution for the massive problem of poverty seems impossible. In developing countries, more than 14 billion people live on a wage of less than $1.25 per day. Every one in eight people spends their day without having enough to eat. Due to poverty, more than 22,000 children die every day.  America is not so behind in this race. Is there a solution to cut poverty?

We can talk about many policies or strategies. But at first, we have to know the real problems behind this situation. Then, understanding the issues can pave the path of a solution. 

What are the main problems?

Economic dispute starts with students’ education. If the students are not getting needed higher education, how can a society improve?

So, the root of the problem is in the academic education policy. 

Non-academic barriers

There are no tuition fees in community colleges for low-income students. But they have to face the most significant barriers, such as the cost of healthcare, transportation fees and the availability of textbooks. They also don’t get the chance of taking any academic essay writing help online


Most colleges and universities face the problems of underfunding. That is why it is impossible to run the institutions smoothly. Many schools and colleges are compelled to close their door forever because of not getting proper funding from the government sector. So, the students who come from low-income families do not have the chance to get support from any respectable institution. Maybe they always think, “how do I do my accounting homework.” Government should think about it. 

Obstacles to transfer

Many students are the victims of poorly aligned curriculum, course unavailability, credit loss and transcript evaluation delay. 

The education system is getting more weak day by day. So how can the economic sectors get the energy of improvising here?

Let’s talk about some strategies that can cut poverty in the US.

How to reduce poverty in America?

These strategies can improve the situation, boost economic security and increase the income of the poor people – 

Increase employment

In the US and other countries, creating new jobs is one of the best and safest ways to reduce poverty. Jobs can help people to get a specific amount of salary every month. If people have salaries, they can quickly get rid of poverty. According to the UN, “Unemployment and underemployment lie at the core of poverty.” So, increasing employment can help America to save its people from starving. 

Raise America’s pay

Since 2007, America has not increased the minimum wage of the people. Yet, it is the most common problem for other countries, especially developing countries. So, a full-time worker working a minimum wage is still raising their family in poverty because it’s only $7.25. 

Support pay equity

While women earn 78 cents, men are earning a dollar. But this is not the way a country can cut poverty. In America, people must make sure equal pay for men and women. 

When women get equal chances in education and job and participate in any business or economic improvement event, that can be an extraordinary force against poverty. As a result, women can add more than half a trillion dollars to the nation. 

Gender equality is needed because it also increases a family income that can be an intelligent way to improve the situation.  

Paid family and sick leave

America is the only developed country where paid family and sick leave is not allowed. This makes the American people’s lives so tough to care for their families. 

If maternity and paternal leave are allowed in a country, it can save much money. Parents get the time to take care of their children. And it literature essay writers helps to reduce the chance of getting sick and reaching the poverty stage. 

If the government apply the Family act, the workers will have paid leave protection during their own or family illness and after childbirth. 

End mass incarceration

Almost one-quarter of the world’s total prisoners are in the American government’s custody. Police tend to capture African-American people and Latino families. Many families with children are being removed from work for that. And most employers do not hire people with even minor criminal history.

This is also influencing poverty in the US. 

Invest in high-quality childcare

American parents need to invest in a high-quality childcare scheme. It can reduce the barrier of being poor. Low-income families can’t help but pay from their pockets for child care. And one-third of their annual income spends on children education and health care.  

End the poverty tax

People who live in poor neighbourhoods have paid extra money for almost everything. Most people are dependent on high-interest loans because many banks would not help poor people. So, poor people cannot afford anything – from car loans to groceries in bulk. They can’t save anything for future investment.  

Parting words,

Cutting poverty in the US is not possible if the American people do not take the initiative to do it. Between 1959 to 1973, a strong economy was established, and new civil rights protection was there to cut the poverty in the US. Since then, nothing changed, but inflation happened.

But the countries that increased their minimum wages saw differences and improvements in the economy. So, we can say that poverty is not inevitable. If people and the government want to get rid of it, they can think about these strategies mentioned earlier so that American people can live everyday life.

Then read on and take adequate care of your health.

Exercise properly and join a gym to make exercising a regular habit. You can enter your university gym and work out there. Or you can join a traditional gym. If you do not like working out with machines, you can regularly go jogging, swimming or cycling.

These sports activities would not only keep you fit but also enhance your physical skills. Thus, shed those extra calories and stay fit for all of your actions.

Writing tons of academic essays might help you achieve top grades, but they also take a toll on your health. Therefore, remember to get adequate sleep. Lack of sleep can leave you agitated. And you might make countless mistakes on your assignments. Hence, get enough sleep.

Adequate sleep also helps you to lose weight. So, get that sleep, stay healthy, and focus effectively on your education and part-time jobs.You will find excellent term paper writing help and services, but you will not find another health, no matter how much money you pay. So, go through these tips and take care of yourself.

Healthy eating practice is vital. You need to plan your meals and put protein and mineral-based food on your diet. A protein and mineral-based diet would give you energy and prevent falling ill. In addition to this, make sure you take your vitamins regularly. They are necessary for your health.

You must remember that you will find excellent research paper writing help and services online. But you will not be able to revive your health if you have lost it. Therefore, remember to eat healthy and take your vitamins every day.

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ghiselle rousso

Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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