
Fly Killer Guide For Commercial Kitchens

As per the “Food Hygiene Regulations 2006,” it is an obligation under the law for a company to establish an agro-hygiene plan built on HACCP principles.

All businesses that manufacture, prepare, or store food items must be equipped with a proper fly catcher machine , screens, and doors to ensure the safety of the food.

How do they work?

Flies are attracted by the UV light that is emitted by tubes or bulbs and can be killed by the grid or are stuck on a Glueboard or flying insect killer machine 

There are three types of fly killers:

Electric Fly Killers

The flies are attracted by UV tubes and then are attracted by high voltage. They are then caught in the tray.

Glueboard Killers Killers

The flies are attracted by UV tubes as well as the adhesive fly trap machine that are pheromone impregnated and stuck to the surface.

decorative fly killers

They are similar to glue board fly killers but are typically used in front-of-the-house settings since they are less obvious and elegant.

How do you put your fly killer in the right place?

Each application is different Therefore, every situation needs an individual evaluation for the proper placement of the fly killer, but there are some fundamental guidelines to follow:

  1. Think about how big the space you would like to cover, and select the fly killer that has adequate coverage. If needed, you can use multiple units for rooms with large spaces.
  1. Install electronic fly killers from areas of light competition like windows, doors, and lights with high power. If not, the efficiency of the UV tubes is significantly diminished.
  1. When possible, position them at an angle of 90 degrees towards the light sources.
  1. Take into consideration the sources of airflow and heat, for example, heaters or AC units.
  1. Don’t install electric fly killers over sensitive areas like food preparation areas since the flies could land on the food items. The glue board Fly Killers should be used in these areas because the flies will stick to them.
  1. Think about access to future installation and maintenance.
  1. Set up your equipment near entry points so that you can stop flying insects before they enter the areas that are at risk.
  1. The best height for placing the unit to catch most flying insects is 2m. don’t place it more than or less than this.

Replacement Tubes and Glueboards

Glueboards They must be replaced every six weeks based on the activity of insects. They might need to be replaced earlier than this during the peak season for insects.

UV Tubes need to be replaced at least every twelve months (use depends on). They’ll continue to shine for a long time, but after about 8000 hours, the amount of effective UV emitted falls to a point at which it’s no longer appealing to insects flying around.

olivia anderson

Olivia is a seasoned blogger with a flair for lifestyle and fashion. With over 6 years of experience, she shares her passion for the latest trends and styles, offering inspiration and guidance to her audience on all things lifestyle-related.

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