
How to Make Sleeping Comfortable for the Disabled?

There is great power in sleep as it helps in improving energy, enhancing mood and developing a stronger immune system. In a nutshell, through sleeping your physical and mental wellness would be improved. On the other hand, it would not be wrong to say that sleep issues and interruptions are very common among those who are disabled. 

From leading to narcolepsy to excessive daily sleepiness and sleep apnea, there are many problems that sleep deprivation can cause in people with physical limitations. However, if you have someone at home who is disabled and is being affected by sleep deprivation, then read until the end to know how you can help in making sleep comfortable for the disabled person.

What are the Causes of Sleep Deprivation in People with Disabilities?

There are many reasons why a disabled person may experience sleep deprivation problems. To be precise, some of them include physical pain, sleep apnea, light exposure, urine incontinence or psychological variables like anxiety, sadness, and stress. 

Anyone with physical limitations would sleep better if their routines, behaviour, and sleeping environment are changed. Additional help can also result in fruitful usage of chair beds, pillow wedges, sliding sheets, etc.

Tips To Make Sleeping Comfortable for People with Physical Limitations

Here are a few ways you can make sleeping comfortable for people with physical limitations.

  • Create the Right Sleeping Environment 

One of the first things that you can do to make sleeping comfortable is to create the right sleeping environment. The bedroom should ideally be utilized for sleeping by taking away any extraneous light, noise and distractions. You can add dark or blackout curtains if possible especially if the body is responding too much to the light. 

Other than that, avoid leaving electronic devices like smartphones or computers plugged in or setting them to general mode. Avoiding this would cause disturbance during sleep. 

Ensure that the temperature of the bedroom is pleasant and that the disabled person is feeling comfortable in it. Also, keep a blanket nearby in case you need more warmth at night.

  • Avoid Using the Bed the Entire Day 

Another thing that you must keep in mind is to avoid using the bed the entire day. It does not matter if you are a disabled person or not – using the bed regularly for the entire day can make one used to it enough that no comfort can be felt at the end of the day. However, if the disabled person finds it too difficult to move around, then a pillow wedge can be used. 

These are basically triangle-shaped pillows which offer support in raising the top half of the body when a person is asleep. This makes resting easier and eases a variety of health issues as well including relieving pressure on the lower back, neck, shoulder or more.

  • Opt for Mindfulness Meditation 

The next thing that one can do to improve sleep quality is to practice mindfulness meditation. When you opt for mindfulness meditation, it focuses on awareness and attention to the present moment. This also has positive effects not only on sleep quality but also on depression and daytime exhaustion that are brought on because of insufficient sleep. 

Moreover, through mindfulness meditation, you would find your body letting go of all the negativity and attracting calmness. Once you find your thoughts to be calm down and at peace, you may easily get the chance to sleep without any distractions.

  • Consider Natural Sleeping Supplements 

When you have an insufficient amount of sleep, then you are linked with different health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. If you have trouble sleeping, then consider natural sleeping supplements instead of depending on medications of any type. 

It is important to understand that good sleep starts with good sleep practices and habits. For instance, you should rely on intaking supplements that are natural like magnesium. 

There are many types of magnesium supplements available in the market that you can depend on. The supplements rich in magnesium are associated to aid sleeping problems as it increases the levels of Gamma Amino Butyric Acid which is a brain messenger and leaves it with calming effects.

  • Minimize Injury Risks

In order to create a peaceful and ideal sleeping environment, it is important that your bedroom has clear entryways. This somehow lowers the risks of accidents and hurting oneself. 

Particularly in the walkway that leads directly to and from the bed, make sure to keep the clothing and other accessories out of the way. Apart from that bedroom electronics and medical equipment should be neatly tucked away. You can also install bed safety rails to ensure that the person does not fall off the bed while asleep.These bed safety rails are securely fastened, fit precisely, and are periodically maintained and inspected. They not only keep the disabled person sleeping on the bed carefree but also the one looking after them. Moreover, you should also look for hazards like loose carpets or slick tiles as they can cause a person to trip and fall.

Olivia Rodriguez

Olivia Rodriguez is a registered dietitian and health coach with a passion for helping people lead healthier lives. With over 8 years of experience in the field, Olivia has worked with individuals and families to develop personalized nutrition and wellness plans that promote optimal health and well-being. She is a frequent contributor to health and wellness publications and has written extensively on topics such as plant-based nutrition, weight management, and chronic disease prevention. Olivia believes that good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and her mission is to help people make sustainable changes that improve their health and happiness. When she's not working with clients or writing, Olivia enjoys practicing yoga, hiking, and exploring new healthy food options.

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