
How to Prevent Squirrels and Groundhogs From Digging Up Your Yard

Rodents called groundhogs may seriously harm your plants and lawns. They are skilled diggers; their dens may be enormous tunnel networks with chambers, passageways, and several exits. Consequently, they can undermine the soil, damage agricultural equipment, barn foundations, and sheds, and harm cattle.

Additionally, since groundhogs are herbivores and like eating the plants in your garden, all of your labor-intensive efforts might be for nothing in a single afternoon. They undoubtedly cause trouble for others. Squirrels may annoy the yard or garden by consuming fruit, vegetables, bird seed, and gnawing tree bark. Additionally, squirrels can enter your attic or crawlspace and construct nests there.

Here’s how to keep squirrels and Groundhogs out of your house and dig Up Your Yard. 

Electronic Devices

You can buy electronic, solar, or battery-powered squirrel deterrents online and at certain big-box retailers.Devices that generate ultrasonic sound waves at frequencies that irritate squirrels are the most prevalent. Sprinklers that are actuated by motion are also useful. 

Although it’s wise to reposition the sprinkler every few days to keep the squirrel on its toes in this battle of attrition, the unexpected movement and sound followed by a spray of water might scare off a squirrel. Keep in mind that other animals, generally included in the descriptions, including cats and dogs, are also likely to flee from the high-pitched noises.


Garlic has a flavor and aroma that you may appreciate when cooking, but squirrels and groundhogs do not. Combine some minced garlic with equal parts vinegar and water. Spray this mixture on fences, posts, and flower pots after letting it lie for a couple of days to allow the scents to blend. However, avoid getting vinegar directly on the plants, as it might hurt them. 

These are commonly used for pest control services in Canada, and they may also dissuade squirrels. Spray residue should be stored in a locked area, away from children and pets, and well labelled. The efficacy of any spray may wane with time. Therefore it should be sprayed every few days and always after the rain.

Build Fences

An underground barrier is your best bet for preventing groundhogs from entering your yard. Chicken wire or similar strong wire fencing material is the best fence to keep groundhogs, gophers, and raccoons out of your area. 

Use squirrel baffles to keep ground squirrels away from your trees and plants if you can’t keep them out of your yard. Surround your plants with nets or fencing. Put a metal collar around trees two feet wide and at least six to eight feet high. Squirrel baffles may also be placed on the poles that hold your bird feeders. 

Unintentionally trapping and starving groundhogs is wrong. Mount an electric wire 4 to 5 inches from the ground and the fence. With a fence charger, electrified wire deters climbing and digging. Hardware cloth laid 1 foot deep may block groundhogs from tunneling under foundations, decks, and other buildings. Before building a fence or barrier, check for neighboring boroughs.

Scaring Them

Not only can having a pet brighten your day, but it also might deter squirrels from making your yard their home. If you don’t already have a dog, maybe you should think about getting one. Squirrel removal in Toronto is likely to fail because most dogs and cats are fascinated by the critters.

To disseminate in your garden soil, if you don’t have a pet, you could want to think about buying predator urine (from animals like wolves or tigers). All smaller animals, including deer, rabbits, squirrels, and other rodents, may be startled by the scent of bigger natural predators. Although purchasing predator urine may seem weird, it might help solve your squirrel issue.

Smoke Them Out

Groundhogs are killed by fumigation while they are still in their burrows. Before fumigating, confirm that the groundhog is in the hole. Observation can take some time. To make things simple, purchase gas cartridges (also known as gas bombs).

Once convinced, the groundhog is inside, closing all but one of the apertures. After igniting the gas cartridge and putting it through the open entrance, fill it quickly with earth to trap the groundhog and the carbon monoxide within.If the groundhog manages to escape, one of these techniques will kill or force the squirrel to flee for miles.

Spread Hair and Dog Fur Around your Yard

Generally speaking, it is advised to bury the steel mesh fence at least 18 inches deep. You may decide how much further to go on your own, although some individuals believe that doing so is prudent.

To prevent groundhogs from digging below the fence, you should put it with the bottom curving outward. If you do it correctly, this will stop groundhogs from digging beneath your shed. You’ll need to put in some effort, but the effort will be well worth it.

Effective Ways to Keep Squirrels and Groundhogs Out of Your Yard

Squirrels and groundhogs can cause significant damage to your yard, garden, and plants. They are skilled diggers and herbivores that can undermine soil, damage equipment, and harm cattle. However, there are several ways to keep these rodents out of your property.

Electronic devices that generate ultrasonic sound waves and motion-activated sprinklers can be useful in deterring squirrels. Similarly, a mixture of minced garlic, vinegar, and water can be sprayed on fences, posts, and flower pots to repel both squirrels and groundhogs. Fencing, including chicken wire or similar strong wire fencing, and underground barriers are effective in preventing groundhogs from entering your yard.

Having a pet, particularly a dog, may also deter squirrels from making your yard their home. Alternatively, spreading hair and dog fur around your yard can help keep groundhogs away. Additionally, smoke bombs or fumigation can be used to eliminate groundhogs in their burrows.

It’s essential to keep in mind that unintentionally trapping and starving groundhogs is inhumane. Always use humane methods to keep rodents out of your yard. You can combine several of these concepts to achieve effective outcomes. With a little effort and the right approach, you can prevent squirrels and groundhogs from digging up your yard and causing damage to your plants and property.

Final Thoughts

You may take various actions to prevent squirrels and groundhogs off your property. After reading the tips above, you should decide which solutions most appeal to you. Many individuals will decide to combine a few of these concepts to achieve successful outcomes.

Olivia Rodriguez

Olivia Rodriguez is a registered dietitian and health coach with a passion for helping people lead healthier lives. With over 8 years of experience in the field, Olivia has worked with individuals and families to develop personalized nutrition and wellness plans that promote optimal health and well-being. She is a frequent contributor to health and wellness publications and has written extensively on topics such as plant-based nutrition, weight management, and chronic disease prevention. Olivia believes that good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and her mission is to help people make sustainable changes that improve their health and happiness. When she's not working with clients or writing, Olivia enjoys practicing yoga, hiking, and exploring new healthy food options.

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