
Importance of End Point Security Solutions: Protect Your Company’s Data!

Data breaches continue to cause concern for organizations that have access to sensitive company data. Digital waste is multibillion-dollar a year in the U.S. and Europe and rising fast. Companies need to manage their own data and make sure it’s secure from unauthorized users or hackers alike. To do this, data security is key. However, many companies overlook the importance of end-point security solutions (EES). Companies must view EES as a long-term strategy rather than a one-time event—especially if they’re investing in digital transformation or other initiatives that will require access to their customer records, cash flow, and other sensitive data sources over time. In this article, we’ll go over the three main components of an end point security solutions strategy: 1) Endpoints, which are the physical locations at which sensitive company data is stored; 2) Data repositories, which contain virtual copies of the data on disk; and 3) Intrusion prevention tools (IPS), software platforms that monitor and protect against unauthorized access to data systems. Every organization has unique processes for handling sensitive company data and the implementation of an EES strategy should be tailored to your organization’s unique needs. Read on to learn more about each component!

What is endpoint security?

In a nutshell, endpoint security is the practice of securing data at each and every point of delivery. This includes sending data to a data warehouse or other central location, storing that data in a data center, and managing access to that data from there. What are the benefits of an end-point security strategy? Advanced technologies: Blockchain, artificial intelligence, VR, and mobility Business continuity: Blockchain technology could be used to store and manage customer data in the event of a company failure or personnel interdiction. Controlled access: Customers can log into their accounts and products without a human being present. Data integrity: Data is stored in a highly encrypted fashion. Data isolation: Data is stored in a data center that is separate from other company data centers.

Why does an EES strategy matter?

Data breaches are common. Companies lose control of sensitive data, like customer financial data, and are forced to hand it back in pieces. This can expose the customer to identity theft or other risks. Companies with poor data security practices are at an increased risk of these risks, as well as other risks that result from the mishandling of sensitive information. Data is critical to business operations. With EES one can safely access the dark web. It’s what gets stored, how data is stored, and what happens when data is stored. Data breaches are the leading causes of identity theft and other financial losses. Data breaches are also a factor in the loss of access to sensitive information.

Data repositories

Data repositories contain digital copies of the data, like a server farm or online cloud that holds the data. They also contain physical copies, like computers that hold the data.

Intrusion prevention tools (IPS)

Data is like a muscle – once you’ve trained it, you’ve got it plus beyond. You can train your data muscle to perform various different actions, like sending signals to other devices or doing other tasks that involve data.

Bottom line

Data breaches happen. That’s the way it happens, and there’s no particular reason to think that technology or an EES strategy couldn’t prevent them. However, it’s important to understand the root causes of data breaches and how those can be prevented. Data breaches can happen when data is left unprotected or stationary. Companies must take care of their data, but not in a way that jeopardizes the data’s security.

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ghiselle rousso

Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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