
Important Car Care in Monsoon Tips That You Must Follow

Monsoon rains make it hard for car owners to maintain their vehicles, but there are many things you can do to keep your car in shape during the wet time. 

The following list is the best car care in monsoon to help all vehicles prepare for the season. 

  • Clean The Filter

It is essential to clean the filter once every week, so it does not get jammed with debris from the outside. When cleaning, do not use water as this might affect its ability to function correctly. Just use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment and hose attachment or compressed air to get rid of dust particles and other objects sticking to it. 

  •  Inspect The Battery For Car Care In Monsoon 

 Check if there is any leakage on the battery, if the fluid level is low or if there are any signs of corrosion on the battery terminals, it is time to get a new one. Also, clean all corrosion from battery terminals and tighten them as they might be loose. If you have sealed batteries in your car, do not open them up until they become completely unusable. Also, make sure to buy anti-rust coating for cars 

  •  Keep Clean

Don’t let water build up in your car as this can damage carpets, seats and other interior components of your vehicle that come in contact with water regularly. Though it is not a good practice to keep your vehicle in the garage, it is better to let the water evaporate than stick it on the interior panels. Also, car accessories online purchases will ensure better care. 

  • Keep an Eye on Tires

While driving, ensure that your tires are full of air and that you are driving at a safe speed. Checking these would also ensure that your vehicle will be safe from punctures and instantly alert you if any of your tires are defective. So, follow this car care in monsoon tip. 

  • Wax The Exterior

 One should not just wax the exterior of their vehicle ever and then. You must do it at least once in two months as this will keep its shine and clean look. This would also protect your car from rust and keep it shiny, and it is a good option for car care. 

  •  Inspect And Clean Your AC Filters

Keep a close eye on AC filters in your car, so it doesn’t get choked with dust particles, leaves or other debris. If these filters are not maintained properly, the y might be unable to function efficiently, resulting in poor cooling inside the vehicle. 

  •  Keep Water Away From Electrical Components

Don’t store food or any kind in your car as this might get into electrical components and spoil them. Also, do not allow water to accumulate inside the car by letting it through the door seals. If you allow it, this will cause rusting of some parts of your vehicle.

  • Inspect The Battery Of Your Car

Check if there is any leakage on the battery, if the fluid level is low or if there are any signs of corrosion on the battery terminals, it is time to get a new one. Also, clean all corrosion from battery terminals and tighten them as they might be loose. If you have sealed batteries in your car, do not open them up until they become completely unusable. Follow this to ensure better car care in the monsoon. 

  •  It is Important To Drive Safe

 Avoid driving at higher speeds as your tires will reach their optimum temperature, and then suddenly, if you meet a puddle of water, your car might skid due to increased surface friction, which might lead to an accident. Another dangerous thing could be driving in reverse gear in case the road is covered with muddy water at some places. In case the road is slippery, then it is better not to drive at all. 

  • Keep Your Car Clean

Ensure your vehicle’s body is clean and dry for better car care. The sky might be filled with rain clouds, but the inside of your car should remain dry and free of any water marks or stains. Use glass wipes to clean the windows inside and out, and ensure they are completely dry before heading out again. 

Please use a chamois cloth (old clothes will work, too) to dry the exterior of your vehicle after it rains. It is also good to keep the trunk and hoods of your car clean and dry so that any water that gets inside does not get stuck there.

  • Keep your Car’s Engine Well Tuned

If you notice any unusual noise coming from the engine while driving, it is better to take it to an auto repair shop before long-term damage occurs. The water in the air can cause severe damage to a vehicle’s engine, so keeping it well-tuned is essential. Regular tune-ups should be done every two months during the monsoon season. An auto repair shop can help you with this maintenance task, as well as other necessary chores such as changing oil, filters, and spark plugs.

ConclusionPrevention is better than cure. Conduct a regular car health check-up to make sure your vehicle is in top condition. The most important factors to keep an eye on are the tires, battery and radiator. The monsoon season can be challenging for your car, but with these tips, you can help prevent damage from occurring before it’s too late! Visit Carorbis for accessories that will help with car care in the monsoon.

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ghiselle rousso

Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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