
Reasons to buy health insurance if you have diabetes

Diabetes is a medical condition in which the body is unable to process sugar and starch. This lack of metabolism causes blood sugar to accumulate, causing adverse medical conditions. Diabetes health insurance is an important policy as it does not have a waiting period. As the number of diabetic people is increasing, the costs are becoming higher as well.

If you have diabetes, you must go through frequent diagnostic tests and doctor consultations. Also, diabetes is genetic. so if you have a family history of this disorder, consider a diabetes medical insurance. This insurance helps to manage the costs of treatment, thereby reducing the financial burden.

Confused if you should buy diabetes health insurance or not? Read ahead for information. 

Benefits of diabetes health insurance 

A diabetes health insurance has these benefits:

  • The medical insurance covers doctor’s consultation fees, which is quite expensive 
  • The health insurance policy covers the costs of medicines for diabetes
  • Diagnostic charges and test fees are covered by the policy
  • Coverage for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes 

Factors to check for while buying a diabetes health insurance

Ensure that these factors are taken care of, while choosing a good medical insurance for diabetic people.

  • The claim settlement procedure for the policy should be simple and fast
  • The waiting period should be less, so you can make claims against the policy at the earliest, and cover the expenses
  • The diabetes health insurance should have affordable premium payments and cover a significant amount of money
  • A comprehensive list of empanelled network hospitals that offer treatment for diabetes 
  • Coverage for pre and post hospitalisation charges 
  • Complimentary annual health checkups 
  • Option of lifetime renewal of the policy

Inclusions of the health insurance for diabetes 

A comprehensive plan, the diabetes health insurance policy has the following inclusions: 

  • Coverage for diabetes from day 1, without any waiting period 
  • Coverage for in-patrient hospitalisation and treatment at any network hospital 
  • Coverage for expenses for 30 days before hospitalisation, and within 60 days after discharge 
  • Coverage for ambulance charges 
  • Organ donor charges 
  • Necessary diabetic checkup fees 

Exclusions of the policy 

The medical insurance does not include the following situations: 

  • Dental treatment
  • Pregnancy
  • Overdose from drug and alcohol abuse
  • External side like spectacles or lenses
  • Experimental treatments 
  • Cosmetic or plastic surgeries 
  • Congenital diseases and illnesses
  • Two year waiting period for hernia, joint replacement, cataract, and hydrocele surgery. 
  • Obesity treatment 
  • Treatment relating to HIV or AID
  • Treatment for diseases caused due to war
  • Treatment for any kind of radiation
  • Treatment for any biological, chemical or nuclear attack 

The best diabetes health insurance policies

If you are looking for a comprehensive diabetes health insurance policy, these are some of the top insurance policies available.

Star Diabetes Safe Health Insurance

This medical insurance plan for diabetes is offered by Star Health Insurance. Designed specifically for people suffering from diabetes, the plan covers annual checkups, diagnostic tests, and consultation fees.

The diabetes health insurance has two variants – Plan A which has no waiting period, and Plan B which has a waiting period of 1 year. 

Care Freedom Health Insurance

The diabetes health insurance provides coverage to the individual as well as the family. This medical insurance policy is like a critical illness plan, with specific focus on diabetes. The coverage amount of this plan ranges from Rs. 3 lac to Rs. 5 lac.

Aditya Birla Activ Health Enhanced

The Aditya Birla Activ Health Enhanced insurance policy provides complete coverage for diabetic patients. The plan is designed for people who have pre-existing diseases like hypertension and diabetes. The plan provides coverage of up to Rs. 2 crore. 

Who does the health insurance for diabetes policy cover?

Providing coverage to people with all kinds of diabetes, the diabetes health insurance covers the following:

  • Diabetic people who take insulin: People who suffer from Type 1 diabetes and take insulin are provided coverage under medical insurance policies designed specially for diabetic patients. 
  • Diabetic people who don’t take insulin: People who suffer from diabetes but do not take insulin are covered under some medical insurance policies. However, the waiting period is different under each plan.
  • People suffering from diabetes for over 10 years: If you have had diabetes for more than 10 years and don’t take insulin, you will need to get approval from an Underwriter to apply for diabetes health insurance.

Key takeaways

If you have diabetes, it is best to purchase a diabetes specific health insurance policy. The policy provides proper coverage from diabetes and the related illnesses. Comprehensive, the diabetes health insurance covers costs of hospitalisation, doctor charges, recurring treatment costs, and diagnostic costs. 

Invest in this policy now.

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Is diabetes considered a pre-existing condition?

Yes, diabetes is considered a pre-existing condition. This is because pre-existing conditions are defined as any medical condition that existed before a person’s health insurance coverage starts. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how your body uses blood sugar or glucose, and it requires ongoing management and monitoring.

When someone with diabetes applies for health insurance coverage, their insurer will take their medical history into account, and their diabetes diagnosis will be considered a pre-existing condition. This can affect their coverage options and premiums. In some cases, insurers may offer limited coverage or higher premiums for those with pre-existing conditions like diabetes.

However, thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health insurance companies can no longer deny coverage or charge higher premiums to individuals with pre-existing conditions. This means that people with diabetes can now obtain affordable and comprehensive health insurance coverage that meets their medical needs.

It is important for people with diabetes to fully understand their health insurance options and coverage to ensure they receive the care they need. They can work with their healthcare provider and insurance company to determine the best coverage options for their unique situation.

Olivia Rodriguez

Olivia Rodriguez is a registered dietitian and health coach with a passion for helping people lead healthier lives. With over 8 years of experience in the field, Olivia has worked with individuals and families to develop personalized nutrition and wellness plans that promote optimal health and well-being. She is a frequent contributor to health and wellness publications and has written extensively on topics such as plant-based nutrition, weight management, and chronic disease prevention. Olivia believes that good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and her mission is to help people make sustainable changes that improve their health and happiness. When she's not working with clients or writing, Olivia enjoys practicing yoga, hiking, and exploring new healthy food options.

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