Digital Marketing

The impact of visual content in your inbound marketing strategy

Confucius said, ” a picture is worth a thousand words. ” However, behind this almost poetic statement hides a robust scientific basis: according to various studies, the human brain is designed to react to visual stimuli 60,000 times faster than text information. Have you ever been attracted to reading an article just for the images it contained? Visual content is essential to hold the reader’s attention, promote understanding, and therefore maximize the effectiveness of your online marketing campaigns.

In the age of Pinterest, Instagram, or even Snapchat, ” inbound marketing ” and ” visual content ” have become two inseparable concepts. Explanations.

How can visual content contribute to the success of your inbound marketing campaign?

Over 50% of marketers prioritize visual content for their business strategy. This is not insignificant. Because our brain forgets about 90% of text information within three days of reading it, this percentage drops to 35% when an effective and powerful image accompanies the information. Enough to show the importance of visuals for the success of your communication campaign.

Visual content appeals to emotion.

Unlike text information, which appeals to reason, visual content directly stimulates the emotional part of the brain. Also, whether it is funny, hard-hitting, or shocking, the image – static or animated – is capable of eliciting a visceral reaction. It creates a direct, immediate, intense, and in some cases almost unconscious, connection with the brain. This explains, in particular, that our memory capacities are considerably duplicated in the presence of visual content.

In the same way, the image makes it possible to popularize sometimes technical and complex concepts to facilitate the reader’s understanding. However, clear, concise, and understandable content is the basis of a successful inbound marketing strategy.

Visual content helps boost engagement (and conversion) rates.

Insofar as the visuals help to arouse the visitor’s interest and attention towards a content, they have a considerable impact on the engagement rates and conversion. According to various studies carried out on the subject, it is estimated that the chances of triggering an action on the part of the reader (response to a form, subscription to the newsletter, request for information, etc.) are twice as high with visual content. 

The reason is simple: since the image contributes to the visitor staying on your page longer, he will also be more inclined to “consume” it.

Visual content promotes natural referencing.

This is not new. Search engines love visual content, like videos, images, or infographics, simply because they have the best chance of going viral. Indeed, suppose you regularly produce articles that are well referenced, complete, clear, and illustrated with all kinds of visuals. In that case, other reputable sites could set up links to your site to redirect their audience to your content.

Inbound links increase your brand awareness and allow you to be more visible on search engine results pages.

Visual content plays a role at the bottom of the sales funnel.

While images and videos can be compelling throughout the sales funnel, they are nevertheless of paramount importance down the funnel when the prospect is about to convert into a customer.

At this stage, visual content is then essential to create value and trigger action (purchase of the product and service). Of course, to create these differences, you will need resource people within your company. A graphic designer in your marketing team is a real plus to creating quality visuals according to your needs. But not all companies have such resources in their team. Also, it is possible to use external service providers.

The Fiverr platform, for example, makes it very easy to find a qualified service provider such as a freelance illustrator. The prices of the services are clearly indicated, and filters allow you to sort through the different offers offered according to your needs (budget, delivery time, etc.). Depending on the type of visual content to be created, which we present to you below, you will only have to choose the service provider and define the details of your mission.

The different types of visual content to favor in your inbound marketing strategy

Whether it’s a blog article, a website, social networks, an online store, or even a marketing campaign, it is essential to set up engaging visual content, Relevant and adapted to capture the attention of your target. Here is a small overview of the types of visuals most appreciated by users.


This is the most classic visual content for an inbound marketing campaign. Amusing, provocative, and even sometimes shocking, the image is essential to illustrate a point and arouse the interest of the Internet user.

According to several studies, an article illustrated with relevant and carefully chosen images can expect up to 94% more visits than a non-illustrated article.


A newcomer to inbound marketing, video is now one of the preferred formats for prospects and potential customers. And that marketing experts have understood.

In recent years, companies have multiplied video content on their networks (competitions, advertising spots in mini short films, participatory campaigns to determine the color, flavor, and packaging of the brand’s following product). If you need to create a marketing video, you can take a look at FlexClip.


Increasingly popular infographics present a real explanatory, visual, and strategic interest. Thanks to its simple illustrations and animated graphics, it makes it possible to many decomplex subjects. Thus, it facilitates the reader’s understanding, mainly when it is a question of a technical subject challenging to apprehend for ordinary mortals.

As a result, infographics are also a unique visual tool to boost your business’s engagement and conversion rates. There are also many free and paid tools for making infographics, such as DesignCap, Canva, etc.

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