
Tips for Printing Business Cards

Are you done with creating your business card design and now looking forward to printing it? If this is the case, then you should necessarily follow certain important tips so that you can come up with high-quality prints.

We have dedicated this comprehensive guide to discussing these key tips. By adhering to these tips, you would surely be able to get top-notch outcomes. So, now without any further ado, let’s find those out in the forthcoming section:

Key Tips That You Are Required To Follow

  • Employ Glossy Paper When You Are Printing Business Card With Photos Or Gradient Colors In It

Once you are done designing your business card with the aid of good business card software, it is time to focus on the printing aspect. However, while carrying out the printing work, you need to make use of glossy paper, in case the card you have designed contains a photo or gradient colors in it.

This will help you to make sure that the printed cards appear amazing on the screen. If you fail to ensure this, then you would ultimately be very disappointed with the print output. So, this is a tip that you should never miss on following if your utmost focus is on quality.

  • Consider Selecting The Paper Which Contains Gaps In Between Cards When You Are Printing Cards With Backgrounds

After you have created a card with the help of a business card creator, it is time to print the card. Whenever you are focusing on printing business cards that possess a background image or a background color, it is always recommended to adopt some extra care.

One of the best things that you can do in this aspect involves selecting the paper containing gaps in between the cards. Leaving these gaps will let you counteract the inescapable ambiguity of the printer paper feed mechanism.

So, by ensuring this, you would be able to achieve the best printing outcomes. But you should refrain from keeping the images on your design end, otherwise, they could be cut while printing. It would be best to leave a small distance, especially to the edge. Or in case, it is the background, then you can allow it to go over the edge.

  • Always Make Use Of Paper That Is Compatible With Your Printer To Achieve The Best Outputs

Whenever you are focusing on selecting business card stock, you should essentially make sure that it is compatible with the type of printer you are going to use.

For example, in case you chose to utilize paper with a shiny coating, particularly in a laser printer, then it may outcome in a damaged printer. So, to avoid this sort of issue, it is always recommended to make use of paper that is compatible with your printer.

  • Ensure That The Text And Images Are Positioned At Least 3 Mm Off The Edges While You Are Printing On Paper That Does Not Contain Any Gaps In Between Rows

Although it is common to come across business cards in which all elements are positioned closely without any gaps, this is something that can lead to issues while printing. In case, you wish to successfully avoid this sort of issue, all that you need is to ensure that the text and images are positioned at least 3 mm off the edges.

By guaranteeing this, you would be able to successfully deal with any errors in printing. It also ensures that any little printer imprecision does not ruin your business cards.

  • Always Carefully Check The Print Quality Settings Before Moving Ahead

One of the most important things that you should make sure of while you are carrying out the printing work involves setting the desired print quality. Along with that, you should also carefully set the color options that you will find in the print dialog.

By making these settings, you would be able to come up with the best quality of print. Also, it would be easy if you choose to save the most utilized settings, particularly in the Presets list.

  • Adopt Necessary Measures While You Are Printing High-Quality Images

It is always recommended to make use of high-resolution images whenever the printer resolution is greater than that of the monitor. By doing so, you would be able to make sure that they come out well whenever the cards are printed.

You should always try to make use of the largest possible image. Otherwise, there are high chances for the print quality to be damaged. Another important tip that you should follow involves utilizing vector images whenever possible. Make sure to utilize at least 300 dpi resolution for raster images.

  • Avoid Using A Lot Of Colors In The Design While You Print On A Monochrome Laser Printer

If you are involved in printing on a monochrome laser printer, then you need to be very careful about the color that you are using in the design. It is suggested to avoid using a lot of colors. In case, you use many of the colors, then the print output would be significantly impacted. It would even become difficult for you to find any differences between the blue and green colors.

  • Combating The Printing Offset Issue That You Are Expected To Come Across On The Inkjet Printers

One of the most common issues that you may come across in inkjet printers is that it somewhat zooms the print output. Due to this particular reason, you should essentially make sure that every subsequent card row may be somewhat offset either up or down concerning the past one.

You will see that by the sheet’s end, the offset is most likely to come up to 0.5 to 1 mm. But you are not expected to come across any of such issues whenever you make use of laser printers.

Now, the main question that arises in this aspect is how to combat this issue. Well, it’s very easy. Just, you need to utilize the scale field, especially in the course of the printer calibration procedure to deal with such issues. By implementing this additional setting, you would be able to prevent this problem.

FAQs About Business Cards

  • What Sort Of Business Card To Select?

It varies on your budget and requirements. A 16 pt premium coated design that possesses a matte finish would be the best option to choose if you are looking forward to leaving a lasting impression. Again, if you are focusing to express an impression of exclusivity, then it would be best to go for high-quality cards which are soft to touch as well.

  • Is It A Good Idea To Incorporate A Logo On A Business Card?

Customization is highly important, even if you have designed a small business card. You would be able to add a personalization element to your design by incorporating the branding elements of your organization. This also helps it to stand out. You can use these as the background or as a distinct element. Whatever you select, you should essentially make sure that the printed text is readable.

  • What Content to Add On a Small Business Card?

Along with your brand name and full name, you should also focus on adding your contact details and company logo to your business card.

  • Is There Any Need to Add the Owner’s Photo in a Business Card?

Typically, a business card design does not contain this. But, if you want, you can add this as business cards containing photos are more recognizable than the ones which do not have them.

Wrapping Up

So, the above-discussed ones are some of the most important tips that you should follow while printing business cards. We hope, the next time you will surely implement these tips at the time of printing your cards.

If you need any sort of assistance in managing the printing aspect, it is always a good idea to get in touch with a reputed web to printcompany like WTPBiz which makes use of the best print shop software to offer you top-notch outcomes. So, what are you waiting for?

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ghiselle rousso

Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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