
Top 10 Enterprises: Product-Driven Manufacturing Nations

Many product-focused enterprises globally rely on manufacturing. This list of the top 10 manufacturing countries might help you understand where corporations outsource. According to the UN Statistics Division, the list displays 2019 global industrial production.

Analyze this list to find the finest countries for your business. Global Upside examines each country’s compliance, taxation, incorporation, human resources, and other restraints.

Ten top-producing nations

  1. China makes 28.7% of global goods.
  • The US manufactures 16.8% of global goods.
  • Japan makes 7.5% of global goods.
  • Germany makes 5.3% of global goods.
  • India makes 3.1% of global goods.
  • South Korea makes 3% of global goods.
  • Italy makes 2.1% of global goods.
  • France makes 1.9% of global goods.
  • UK manufactures 1.8% of global goods.
  1. Indonesia manufactures 1.6% of global goods.

Ten top-producing nations

China manufacturers

1. China manufactures 28.7% of global goods.

China is an ancient civilization in East Asia. The world’s most populous country has 1.4 billion inhabitants. China’s low costs make it a wonderful area to do business.

China makes 28.7% of global goods. This contributed $4 trillion to the nation’s economy in 2019. China has been the world’s largest industrial powerhouse for over a decade. Low costs, a large workforce, and great production quality give China a 10% edge over the US.

US manufacturers

2. The US manufactures 16.8% of global goods.

In 2018, manufacturing contributed $2.3 trillion to the US GDP. This industry represented 11.6% of US economic activity and 50% of US exports.

Some companies worry about production in China after the outbreak. Wuhan’s epidemic impacted supply networks and company output worldwide. This could mean companies will spread their production activities across countries.

Japan’s manufacturers

3. Japan makes 7.5% of global goods.

Japan is a 126.2-million-person island nation in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Japan’s animation, arts & crafts, cuisine, music, and other sectors are well-known. Consumer electronics, automobiles, computers, iron, steel, copper, and semiconductors are key exports.

Japan produced $1 trillion in manufacturing in 2019, ranking third. Japan has proven to be one of the world’s top 10 manufacturing countries as firms develop and seek partners.

Germany’s manufacturing

4. Germany makes 5.3% of global goods.

Germany, with 83 million inhabitants, is a major importer and exporter. The German economy promotes open markets in business and consumer items, which is why it’s among the top ten manufacturing nations.

Germany is Europe’s largest industrial nation, earning $806 billion in 2019.

India manufactures

5. India makes 3.1% of global manufacturing.

India has become reliable in business. India has the workforce and resources to swiftly enter the top ten manufacturing nations.

India’s 2018 manufacturing production was $412 billion, despite its reputation for IT support and call centres. As corporations expand globally, India’s manufacturing industry will increase.

South Korean manufacturing

6. South Korea makes 3% of global goods.

South Korea is one of the world’s fastest-growing developed nations due to its high-tech, service-based economy.

South Korea exports electrical equipment, vehicles, petroleum products, and auto parts. Imports include petroleum, electrical equipment, gas, hydrocarbons, and coal.

Italy’s manufacturers

7. Italy makes 2.1% of global goods.

Italy is seventh among the top ten industrial countries, but its economy relies on manufacturing and services. Italy is one of the world’s most industrialised nations, with 60 million inhabitants. Their reliable and sophisticated manufacture is suitable for manufacturing.

Italy exports metals, textiles, footwear, and vehicles. This industry contributed $314 billion to their 2018 GDP.

French production

8. France makes 1.9% of global goods.

France is one of Europe’s largest agricultural producers and a global leader in industrial power. The French government provides free education, healthcare, and pensions. France is a high-income country, according to the World Bank.

France leads in aviation, vehicle, train, luxury products, and cosmetics. France exports cars, planes, medicine, electronics, and hydrocarbons.


9. The UK manufactures 1.8% of global goods.

England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland make up the United Kingdom, a sovereign nation off Europe’s northwest coast. London, England’s capital, is a renowned financial centre and business city. The UK is a big economic hub with 66 million inhabitants.

Manufacturing contributed $253 billion to their GDP in 2018.

Indonesian manufacturing

10. Indonesia manufactures 1.6% of global goods.

Indonesia exports mineral fuels, mineral oils and distillation products, mineral waxes, bituminous compounds, and animal or vegetable fats and oils. Their energy and expansion could take them to the top of the list in the coming years.

Indonesia may wish to develop its $207 billion manufacturing economy to compete with India and China.

Global advantage

Global Upside offers staffing, incorporation, PEO/EOR, accounting, HR, payroll, compliance, and M&A in 170 countries. Since 1999, we’ve assisted public, corporate, and nonprofit organisations of all sizes with growth solutions.

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Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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