
Why Email Support Service Still Important for Your Business?

Customer support continues to play an important role in making businesses grow. Nearly 81% of consumers intend to do business with a company after having a positive customer service experience. As a result, entrepreneurs implement the tried and tested methods in their business growth strategy, including email support service to address customer problems. 

Email is the oldest and second most popular mode of communicating with customers. In this period, email has become a direct means of one-to-one connection with the customer and answering their queries. 

Although many may argue that email is too impersonal to give people high-quality customer service. However, if your emails have a hint of personal touch and are sent promptly, nothing can make a better impression.

Email Support Services: 

Email support is an assistance method that businesses use to address client issues regarding a product or service through email. It is a preferred means because it is quite easy to manage. 

Businesses are often loaded with customer calls and queries that become difficult to manage other business operations. Yet you cannot miss getting back to customers as it can make you lose your prospects and strain your business growth. 

Outsourcing email support lets you hire an individual dedicated to answering customers and providing them with easy and suitable solutions.

Although the rise in IT and drop in the attention span of the users’ email stays relevant to the growth of businesses, let’s look at some reasons why.

  1. Faster communication
  2. 24/7 accessibility
  3. Intimate/effective communication
  4. Cost-effective 
  5. Large scale interaction 
  6. Personalization of CX

Let’s have a clear look into these aspects.

email support services

Faster Communication:

The difference in time zones and locations can take a toll on your business and waste your time. Using email support, you can easily reach out to customers and manage co-branded events without having them come online. 

It gives you an edge over your rivals because you do not have to spend hours on the phone leaving messages or waiting for someone to pick up the phone. You can send your message via email, and whether you are available or not, you will receive a response once they arrive at their workplace. Also, customers can contact you whenever it is convenient for them, and you can respond quickly with an action plan.

While instant responses to urgent questions are convenient, email support services are the best option for issues that require more details and discussions. 

Accessible 24/7:

You can receive and send emails at any time and from any location, whether in the office or out for lunch. That means you can respond to your customers’ concerns around the clock. Customers appreciate it when a brand is present for them, no matter the time or day. 

Outsourced support agents make sure their availability to the public 24/7. When a customer needs urgent help, but it is not feasible for them to make a call or go to the web chat, they can email you their query, and you can respond right away. 

Intimate/Effective Communication:

One of the key reasons why firms still prefer email over other contact channels is the personal aspect of it. Customers usually avoid sharing their personal data on social media outlets or web chats. But, email offers a secure platform to communicate with customers without exploiting their right to privacy.

When it comes to sharing sensitive info, email is very secure. You do not have to pay extra to ensure that your documents are delivered in person or rely on the standard post. In addition, emails are safe and can be further encrypted to ensure that the recipient is the only one with access to the information.


Having email support services is the most low-cost method of addressing your clients. You do not need to hire a distinct onsite team and pay for the operational costs such as office space and equipment.

Email support can bring you the best quality client interaction at a fraction of the expense. Further, it assists you in keeping track of every correspondence you have had with other parties. You can access this record whenever you need to review it rather than having to sift through tons of paper.

email support services

Large-Scale Communication:

With email support, you can address the common concerns of the customers at once. For instance, if there are any repeatedly asked questions, you can write a solution and send it to as many customers as you want at once.

Besides client communication, it also makes contact in the firm easier and more prompt. For example, consider sending an update or memo to hundreds of people in your organization using traditional mail. You can also integrate your email support systems with other contact tracks.

Personalization of CX: 

It is very easy to keep track of the issues customers have with your product or service using email support services. You may track frequently asked questions, complaints, and concerns and try to improve to help grow your business. 

There will be some queries, remarks, or worries that come up repeatedly. You can analyze the emails and learn about the common concerns of the consumers. This provides insightful data you may use to modify and scale your growth.

You can also send follow-up emails to make sure you do not lose the customer. When asked how often they would like to get emails from businesses, 49% of customers stated they would like to receive weekly promotional emails from their preferred brands. In this way, you can boost your sale as per the client’s picks.

Email Support Service: How Can We Help You?

Helping your customers with email support is a great way to build customer loyalty. You can stand out in the market by providing better resolution and response time. This is the need of the hour to grow without spending a fortune. 

Is your email inbox overflowing? Are all of these client emails piling up, and you are not sure what should go next in response? Reach out to Digitech Outsourcing Solution (DOS) today to get their high-quality service.

Final Thoughts

They make your customers feel heard and valued, so they return for future purchases. You can also test their services with the help of their free trial. It runs for a few days to give you a better idea of how their agents handle your brand. You can also personalize an action plan to make sure your team stays operational 24/7. So, get in touch with them for the best email support services plan.

For more Details:

5 Email Support Services’ Benefits That Redefine Your Business

ghiselle rousso

Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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