
Why Events Live Streaming Is a Trend That Is Here to Stay

Live streaming events is one of the most popular trends of 2022, and there are many chances to live with this trend. various reasons, including the popularity and engaging sense of watching such live streams and feeling connected. As soon as it was necessary, this habit of watching videos quickly spread to professional settings.

With the increasing trend, the market for live streaming services in UAE is also increasing. Let’s deep dive into the benefits that make live streaming a trend that is going to stay here.


Live streaming has become very affordable with rising popularity and leads to reaching a wider audience at an ease. It allows businesses to reach a global audience without having to organise separate events for each region or restrict themselves to a local clientele for formats like industry expos, press conferences, customer events, or even cooking classes. These circumstances give smaller businesses new opportunities and markets! Middle Easterners can now easily attend special trade shows taking place anywhere in the world without having to travel (just be aware of time zones).

Decrease in carbon footprint

Going virtual or hybrid is a fantastic option if your organisation wants to lower its carbon footprint and be more environmentally friendly. While being aware of the effect you are having on the environment, you can maintain the integrity of your event and all the advantages of socialising.

According to a recent study, using live streaming platformsandgoing virtual will significantly reduce your carbon emissions. When you move some or all of your attendees to a virtual platform, you will cut down on carbon emissions by eliminating travel and food and beverage waste.

Higher Quality Content

Event planners can focus more of their time and effort on selecting presentations and keynote speakers with the highest quality content when they aren’t preoccupied with the logistics of organising an event for thousands of attendees. Reducing the number of attendees in person will enable the organisers to concentrate on quality rather than quantity. 

Imagine that instead of stressing about whether there will be enough finger sandwiches, managing event staff and security, and scouting venues, event organisers will spend their time creating interesting polling questions, curating videos, and planning interactive activities. All of these features can be included by using some of the best live streaming services.


We are all aware of how expensive in-person events are, and the travel, accommodation, venue, and other costs associated with them make the event too costly. All this associated expense makes it hard for the audience to attend the event and additionally increases the cost of tickets too. So, if someone is looking forward to attending your event, then you must make it cost-effective and live streaming is the solution for you. Also, you can utilise many proven tricks toboost live streaming engagement.

Opportunities for Lifelong Learning

The process of moving that content from live to on-demand is greatly facilitated by including a virtual component in your event. You should definitely consider repurposing the content you spend time and money curating into compelling presentations and other types of content. When hosting a hybrid event, you will already have the tools necessary to easily record presentations, conversations, and events.

Enhanced Data Capture

You’ve never been able to collect such rich data from your event attendees before. An event live streaming platform makes it simple to track and document things like:

  • When the audience members were most interested in the lecture
  • When attendees disengaged or logged off
  • Which inquiries were made during presentations
  • How long viewers remained during presentations
  • Which interactive features encouraged the most engagement

Increased ROI

Return on Investment is one of the most important metrics you can use to measure the success of your event. Event organisers for virtual and hybrid events will see a higher return on investment thanks to lower entry fees, the ability to increase outreach and attendance, and more. However, organisers are still able to charge comparable ticket prices, increase the number of tickets sold, and decrease or eliminate costs for venues, food & drink, and in-person event staff. Using a leading live streaming platform will still come at a significant cost.

Enhanced Attendee Experience

There is no drawback to disabling a virtual component, even if you want to host an in-person event. For all of the aforementioned reasons, incorporating technology into your live event experience will only benefit your company and the return on investment (ROI) you receive from the content you have worked so hard to curate. 

Adding a hybrid component to every event will only increase your reach and give you detailed information about attendees. No matter where they are, your audience can engage with and participate in your event.

How to Plan a Successful Event Live-Streaming Strategy?

Live streaming events have become increasingly popular, and with good reason. They offer a convenient, cost-effective, and eco-friendly way to reach a larger audience, enhance the attendee experience, and collect valuable data. However, planning a successful event live streaming strategy requires careful consideration of several key factors.
Firstly, choose the right live-streaming platform that suits your needs and budget. Many options exist, from free services like YouTube Live and Facebook Live to premium solutions like Vimeo and Livestream.
Secondly, you must decide on the format and content of your live stream. Whether it’s a virtual conference, a product launch, a music concert, or a cooking class, your event should be engaging, informative, and interactive.
Thirdly, you must promote your event and attract viewers. Like a traditional event, your live stream must be marketed and advertised through various channels, such as email campaigns, social media posts, press releases, and influencer partnerships. It would be best to offer incentives and rewards to encourage people to register and attend, such as early bird discounts, exclusive content, and giveaways.
Fourthly, you must measure and analyze the performance of your live stream. Using analytics tools and metrics provided by your live streaming platform, you can track the number of viewers, their demographics, engagement rates, and other data points. You can then use this data to optimize your future live streams and improve your ROI.

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about The Future Of Technology then visit our Tech category.

abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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