
5 Apps to Find and Meet New People


Meeting new people never seemed more challenging than it did post 2020. This might explain why dating and friendship apps suddenly saw a spike in demand and downloads.

In fact, according to research by the Wall Street Journal, 27 percent of people said that they used dating apps for making new friends during the lockdown period!

It turns out that instead of dating apps, there are various apps that are specifically made to have platonic friendships. With the intent of use clear between users, such apps are much more effective in forming lasting friendships.

If you are also on the lookout for meeting people via apps, here are some options you might want to explore.

  1. Bumble BFF

Let’s begin with an app that you have probably already heard of, especially if you are a woman. After all, the unique proposition of Bumble has made it quite popular among the ladies owing to the safe experience it provides.

Compared to other dating and friendship apps where women are at times at risk of getting unwanted attention, Bumble takes away that unease by offering a female-centric solution.

Here, unless a female makes the first move, the other individual cannot message you. So, once you match with someone, you get to decide whether you wish to take it forward. Since its popularity in the dating sphere, the app has launched a friendship version, too, called Bumble BFF.

The features and proposition remain the same in Bumble BFF too. Here as well, females must make the first move in striking a friendship. Then, users can message one another freely. The only difference between Bumble and its BFF version is that this version brings like-minded people together.

  • AirG – Meet New Friends

When you consider some of the other options available, AirG is still a small fish in the pond. Therefore, an outward comparison of the success of AirG vs Bumble or other leading platforms won’t be fair.

Instead, it is important to see the app holistically for what it has managed to offer. As of now, AirG – Meet New Friends has over 100 million users from around the world. It allows you to filter people based on location, gender, age and interests, thereby setting you up for success from the get-go.

Also, compared to swiping and direct messaging, AirG allows you to interact with others in different chatrooms and groups, thereby reducing the pressure of having a lasting first impression. Instead, you can see who you click with and truly want to be friends with and then talk to them privately.

The free app is also integrated with other AirG solutions. So, if you are still working from home and require human connection, you and your new friend can have fun playing games like the Big Barn World.

  • Nextdoor

It can be a tad daunting to forge connections with neighbours at times. Especially now in the midst of a pandemic after which most of us have been preconditioned to avoid social contact!

This is where apps like Nextdoor can prove to be the perfect resource and icebreaker. You can think of it as a social network for different neighbourhoods. You can add your details and location and then use the app to exchange relevant information with the local community.

Additionally, the app can also help people in staying abreast with local recommendations and make it handy for people who move to new neighbourhoods. This way, you can know what fun things to do and find people to do it all with.

  • Meetup

Are you the only Potterhead in your friend circle? Or maybe you like partying more than those around you. While your friends may be great otherwise, don’t limit your interests based on the people around you, especially when you can find like-minded individuals for your adventure.

Meetup offers to be a platform to connect people with others who have similar interests and hobbies in life. Whether you are a bar hopper or a hiker, the chances are there are others in the vicinity who are willing to be your companion through it all.

The good thing about Meetup is that it lets you create your own themes if the general themes like New Friends, Comedy, and Hiking, don’t resonate with you. There are various niches available as well. For starters, you can search based on demographics as well.

Once you find like-minded people, you can virtually get to know them before taking the friendship offline.

  • Peanut

No one tells you how lonely being a parent can be, especially when you are the first person in your social circle to have a baby. Suddenly, your concerns no longer align with the plights of those around you.

Just like your kid, you, too, are deserving of friends that understand and guide you. And normal friendship apps might be too much work for this.

For mothers, niche apps like Peanut are much better for finding other mom friends. You can seek out parenting advice from them, talk to them freely about your concerns, and if you and your new friend have children of the same age, you can even have playdates!

The app facilitates finding like-minded moms with similar-age children by matching your demographics with other moms. The interface of the app is also quite smooth, thereby allowing for a fun swiping experience.

It’s time to (virtually) meet!

 All in all, if you have the right apps assisting you, you will surely find and meet new people easily. Each of the five apps mentioned above will be of immense help in getting back on track socially.

To understand which of the five is best for you, first identify what you want out of the experience. Are you looking to make the first swipe? Then, Bumble is for you. Do you wish to connect with a community instead? AirG and Meetup are much better options for it.

We would suggest downloading all the free options and seeing where you best find your platonic match. Good luck!

abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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