
Instagram Promotion trends 2020. Best practices.

Instagram has changed a lot over the past two years. increase followers on instagram New advertising opportunities appeared and the audience changed. If previously the core of the application users were women under 35 years old, now the audience has matured, and the number of male users is equal to the number of female audiences. The most striking trend is multiple increases in the popularity of Instagram – the number of authors and content on this network has grown 3 times over a year and a half and continues to grow. if you want to more followers on instagram please visit:” superviral

Like any other social network, Instagram gives what you want to get from it. If the company aims to sell – Instagram can give sales. Coverage, recognition? All this can be obtained with the right approach.

It is impossible to say with confidence that the presence of only one Instagram profile may be enough for a large brand, but if you have a small regional business, then Instagram promotion may well cover most of your needs. You need to understand what Instagram promotion is and how this promotion works.

Where to start your Instagram promotion?

Before you start, you need to find out how the promotion on Instagram works. You need to decide what functions your account should perform, and what is needed for this, and then, build the profile accordingly. How to do it:

1) First of all, you need to understand your niche. What are your real competitors in social networks? Are they popular? What content do they have, and what is the blogging strategy? Analyze what users write in the comments and how the account responds to them. Select some of the most important competitors and keep an eye on their accounts all the time.

2) Create a strategy for maintaining your profile. Any more or less serious business or blogger should have a strategy for how he will operate and promote his profile. To make it easier, answer the following questions: Who is your target audience? What attracts your audience?

After you have prepared a strategy and analyzed your competitors, it is time to draw up a profile. Instagram is a social network where the visual component decides everything, so the first thing to worry about is beautiful, professional photos. You can be interesting and useful, but if the photos do not catch your eye, then the person who comes in will simply not remain in your account. Therefore, take care to create an organic and functional account.

Now we will understand how the content selection algorithms work. The first publications to appear in the feed are those that the network finds interesting. The program algorithm decides what is interesting to us and shows it. Each user’s feed is formed based on his behavior in the application. This means that if you subscribe to the same accounts as someone else, you will receive a personalized order of showing posts based on how exactly you interact with these accounts. Watch more stories – they will be shown to you, love the IGTV videos – Instagram will offer them to you. Therefore, do not forget: the algorithms on Instagram do not take into account the type of account and the type of content.

What processes happen when promoting Instagram posts? What does this promotion do?

Promotion on Instagram cannot be complete without legally targeted advertising. The number of real users of the social network last year exceeded 1 billion people and the platform provides a variety of tools and formats to reach these people.

It’s easiest to set up effective advertising through Instagram, right in the application. You can promote your post with the click of a button, without leaving Instagram. Important! Your account must be a business profile or an Author Account.

But the promotion of posts and advertising through Instagram has its drawbacks. There are fewer audience settings. For example, you cannot filter out those who are already following your Facebook page. Therefore, for the “test flight” advertising through Instagram directly in the application is suitable, but for something more, it is better to use an advertising section on Facebook.

To start a safe and proper promotion of a post, follow this algorithm: Choose the best post (photo, gallery, video) that you want to promote. If necessary, edit the text (the first line is the most important, the text should be a call for action). Click the blue “Promote” button. If it is inactive, or nothing happens, then the content of the post may not be suitable.

How and where is the best way to promote an Instagram account (where can I promote my Instagram account)?

The key to success is the gain of real, organic users on your account. Where do you want people to go from advertising – to your Instagram account, website, or in Direct? You can select “Automatically” – and Instagram will show your post to people similar to your subscribers. Create a new audience according to your parameters. To create a target audience for setting up post promotion, you must enter the name of the audience, choose the approximate place or region of residence, the main interests of the intended audience, age coverage, and gender.

If you want to increase coverage, do not choose megacities and rich cities, as well as expensive interests. Such an audience is more solvent and the competition for it is greater, respectively, and it is more difficult to promote yourself among it. get more followers on instagram: click here


Promotion on Instagram is a complex set of measures that need to be constantly tested and analyzed. What exactly comes up will be known only after you try various methods of promotion. Do not get carried away by easy ways to attract subscribers – both real and bots. Sometimes an instant result can lead to long-term negative consequences in the form of low popularity, poor reputation, and even blocking.

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ghiselle rousso

Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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