
Tips to survive in Canada as an international student

Countless youngsters from different corners of the world desire to give wings to their dreams by studying in an illustrious country like Canada. If you are also among them then, get ready to embrace a wide variety of challenges as staying in a country far away from your hometown is not going to be easy for anyone. 

There is no denying the fact that foreign nations can give you vast career opportunities and make you earn 10 times more good salary package in comparison to your own home country. But giving such a tremendous shift to your entire lifestyle requires huge efforts from you. You have to channel through your responsibilities, commitments, and challenges successfully in order to survive in Canada. Furthermore, read this article to know tips that can help you survive in Canada as an international student. 

Don’t get worried about the exhausting documentation process to get your Canada study visa approved. Come to the experienced study visa consultants to get your Canada visa approved in the smoothest way.

Take a look at the tips mentioned below to survive in an eminent country like Canada as an international student:

  • Don’t be a spendthrift

You can’t let yourself spend money on unnecessary things while living in Canada. Well, you can purchase expensive bags, shoes, or other expensive things once you get settled there. Refrain yourself from spending money on unnecessary things for the first two years of your study. Cut down on your unnecessary expenses in order to preserve money for future use. Make a budget and decide what things you need and try your best in spending your money on the things that let you survive there. Plus, invest money in the activities or the things that let you establish a good future in Canada. 

  • Make friends 

Living like a lone wolf there in Canada will going to be quite problematic for you. Because you won’t have people to listen to your problems or ask for a helping hand confidently. We know that it is actually God who helps us in difficult times. But there is nothing wrong with expanding your network of friends. There is a surety that you would have at least someone to guide you in your difficult time as the person who you ask for help might have gone through the same situation as you. Therefore, be polite and make cordial relations with the people living around you. They can also help you find accommodation and a job when you need it. 

  • Language skills

Many candidates think that once they achieve an excellent IELTS band score, they don’t need to enhance their language skills anymore. This notion will make their life quite problematic in Canada. You must make efforts to enhance your proficiency in the local language as much as you can. You need to be proficient in the language that is spoken in your environment. Communicate with your friends and learn new words daily to gain proficiency in the English language. 

  • Know the rules and regulations

Not abiding by the mandatory rules and regulations prevalent in Canada will create so many problems for you. No matter, if you break the rules unintentionally or intentionally, it can make you face serious legal issues. Also, don’t be afraid if you have done nothing wrong. Be quick to report the crime or life-threatening situations to the police by dialing the toll-free number.  Research, visa consultants, and your friends can help you know the rules and regulations prevalent there in the best possible way. 

  • Know your priorities

To survive in Canada, you must be well cognizant of the important activities. You will have a heap of activities to do on your own while staying in Canada. Know which task is important and in what time period it should be done. Don’t let yourself drown in the ocean of unlimited activities. Identify the important ones and get them done on time. 

Are you striving hard to study in Canada? If yes, then approach the best Canada study visa consultants in Jalandhar to get your Canada study visa approved.


Lastly, never be careless with your important documents. Keep them safe even if you are provided with the world’s safest location to live in. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for help from your friends to survive in Canada. Relying on their support is completely terrible. But you can ask for guidance from them when you need it. 

ghiselle rousso

Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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