Home Improvement

UPVC Windows Vs Wooden Windows

UPVC Windows

UPVC windows are unplasticized polyvinyl chloride. This is a type of standard hard plastic material which is recently being used rampantly for windows and doors.

Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride is moisture, pollution, corrosion, and mould resistant. Due to its unique and varied range of benefits UPVC Windows have been a preferred choice. This is a longer lasting alternative instead of the timber and aluminium windows. We would have all noted that many people recently have been changing from the traditional windows to the modern UPVC Windows. When the desire is to have great windows, which are of high-quality and cost-effective and also provide great insulation from weather and pollution, then UPVC window is undoubtedly the best bet for your home. They offer a higher degree of durability and security.

The most important benefit of UPVC Windows is their ability to offer an excellent thermal efficiency by keeping out heat in summer and keeping in heat during winter months while preventing any excessive amount of solar exposure through them during these seasons too! They also reduce noise pollution significantly

Wooden Windows

Wooden windows have been around for centuries, and they have not lost their charm or appeal. In fact, with the new technological advancements in woodworking and wood finishing, wooden windows can now be made with high-quality finishes that are durable, long-lasting and beautiful.

Wooden windows are made from timber, which is available in different varieties of wood. Softwood is the cheaper one, but certainly not as durable or strong as the hardwood while the hardwood is a little more expensive, but more durable and has a longer lifespan.

With time timber windows have undergone major improvements and changes over the last few years that make them more durable and long-lasting than ever before. You can even fit single, double, or triple glazed windows within the frames. UPVC window frames may be slightly more cheaper, but a UPVC window will require a much sooner replacement than when you choose wooden windows

1. Appearance

UPVC windows have their own aesthetic appeal of a modern day look. UPVC frames have their own benefits. These are energy efficient, cost effective and low maintenance. Wooden window frames have a natural, elegant, traditional age-old charm which is unmatched. Aesthetically, the visual benefits of the timber window frames cannot be matched by the UPVC windows.

2. Insulation

UPVC Windows can be fitted to the outside of your home. The frames of our UPVC windows are designed to withstand years of use and will provide you with excellent noise insulation together with protecting your property from the weather. We offer a complete window installation service with very competitive prices.

3. Environmentally friendly

UPVC windows have a low CO2 savings and require high levels of production in comparison to wooden UPVC. Wooden windows on the other hand are a natural material, hence will have very little impact on the environment while they are manufactured.

4. Lifetime

UPVC windows are a one-time investment, while wooden windows can last up to 60 years. However, it is important to use a specialist installer when replacing your windows.

5. Security

UPVC and wooden windows are the most common types of windows used in UK homes. Both bring in a variety of benefits, but only UPVC Windows can provide you with the most durability and security for your home.

6. Price

While the UPVC windows are comparatively cheaper to the wooden windows with minimal maintenance, wooden windows undoubtedly are a little on the expensive side as well. The cost of wooden windows can be reduced by opting for high-quality varieties which last longer.

7. Maintenance

The UPVC windows are maintenance free and may be cleaned by wiping the frames with a damp cloth. Wooden windows require regular periodic sanding, painting and varnishing which is an expensive affair. Unless properly maintained the wooden windows may not last long

8. Durable

UPVC windows are ideal as they have a non-corrosive material which makes them last longer than other materials. Wooden windows can corrode, rot and rust over time. Also, wooden windows are susceptible to termites and harsh weather conditions as well as aluminium doors.

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Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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