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How to Encourage Students to Concentrate on Learning Rather Than Grade

Getting good grades is one of the most important things a student can do for their future.All students who work hard desire an A+ in every subject. Grades are rewarding parameter in various ways, but it has some negative aspects as well. Grades are crucial for academic progression and achieving the best professional life, but is it possible to focus on only grades? Through score/marks, an educator/instructor expects good marks from you because they teach you and here is the question: how does the teaching matter to you? 

Through grades, you are evaluated in specific coursework, whereas learning is a practice where the student is allowed to use their brain, creativity and even their small mistakes. Many students are weak in many topics, and it is evident that you are not going to love every subject. Students who are poor in chemistry seek help for a professional organic chemistry assignment helpfrom experts.  

The gradation system has a lot of benefits, it is important to oppose the way the system allows the grades to penetrate and take over the educational journey, and in that way, students don’t know the positivity of grades. 

The evaluation: 

The prime question is how learners can complete their assignments on time. How much time should they devote?

How do they get A+ in every subject?

What do you want your instructor to turn in?

When should you complete your coursework?

These queries are all about how the students can enhance their grades, not the learning process. That is alarming. Not many students understand the depth of knowledge and learn things from scratch. They only bother about assessment or focus on ‘Where can I find A+? not “What am I learning from this task?” Primitively, problematic evaluation practices have learned students that the mark or percentage is the ultimate goal. It follows:

Evaluating for high marks or percentage

Assessing to explain your hard work 

Assessing for more rigour 

Focusing on the ‘academic goals’ means shifting to learning experiences aimed at enhancing skills that the learners need to improve.        

For example, math is a mandatory subject for all students, but for most students, it is a complicated one. Students poor in math seek help from the experts because they don’t know how to get rid of it. They can’t mug up the math problem because they have to learn it and understand every chapter from scratch. That’s why they seek professional mathematics assignment help who can help them to understand math from the root. 

What are the reasons to focus on process over product? 

Reduce stress and assignment anxiety:

Many students have a particular thought of getting an A+ in every subject, and they get anxious when they don’t get enough marks in one subject. It is a serious situation for them. Students shouldn’t bother about their grades because if they learn a subject from the core, they don’t need to be dependent on their scores. They can attempt any question easily with knowledge and analytical understanding. 

Improving learning experiences: 

It is important to increase the learning opportunity for step-by-step goal setting and achievement. Students should get continuous support and feedback from their experts. 

Grading practices: 

If students wouldn’t grade it in the learning process, it doesn’t need to be measured. Marking conclusion supports goal-centric education.

But grades feel ultimate, and practice is not a final stage of the learning experience. Assessment bias is another factor in learning. Pending assignments, formatting and word count don’t define the ability of a learner. There are many students ranked top in their classes but finished their assignments in an average way. 

What are ways to help students focus on learning?

 A student anxiously flips through the last page of the assignment to see their grade instead of reading the comments. Parents and family happily congratulate their kids for getting high marks rather than evaluating the academic growth they experienced.     

Here is how you can reverse the situation: 

Change the syntax of learning: 

When a student feels demotivated and doesn’t want to complete their assignment on time, parents scold and threaten them: “If you don’t complete your homework, you will never pass any examination. Your grade depends on your assignments.” Instead of scolding them, they should motivate their kids by saying, “You have done a brilliant task, but you can do better. Try to complete your assignments on time and tell me if you need any professional assignment help from experts.” Changing parents’ approach brings a lot of changes in kid’s academic life. After all parents are the most reliable pillar of strength and support. 

Now, the question is, is changing the motivation always work? No, however, being heedful of the language you use can help your child to be more focused on performing better in academics. 

Talking about the improvement:  

A smart way to stop students from bothering their grades is to delay them. When students expect their parents to talk about their grades, they can discuss their performance on a test and provide guidance on the solutions to improve their grades.

Teachers can also explain the exams and return them to the students without adding any scores. After that, you can motivate your students to highlight the notes and make improvise the answers more effectively.

The teachers are the main sources of motivation, and students will also learn it from them. They will soon realise that learning from and eliminating their mistakes can help them understand that learning is more important than getting grades, and correcting mistakes help them in learning it more significantly. 

Reduce homework counts 

Several research finds that homework shouldn’t be graded. While many teachers and experts have grades for completing assignments, it can be strong-minded to a student’s learning graph. You can keep a tab of who is completing their assignments and who is not so that teachers can talk about it with their parents and teachers. 

Assignments and homework provide a chance for students to learn and practice regularly to explore a subject, not to compete with other students. By lowering the burden, students can practice at their own pace without thinking about the deadlines and failing in homework submission. 

Collaborating with classmates:

Most schools conduct educational programs where students are allowed to have a discussion with seniors and peers. Conversations with peers make a prompt awareness among them. 

How can students improve their concentration in class?

Students often find it challenging to concentrate in class, especially with the numerous distractions that surround them. However, there are several practical ways that they can improve their concentration and stay focused during lectures.

One of the most effective ways is to prepare adequately for the class beforehand. This includes reading the assigned materials, reviewing notes from the previous class, and preparing any questions or concerns that they might have. This way, they will have a good understanding of the topic, making it easier to follow along during the lecture.

Another way is to eliminate distractions during class. This can be achieved by turning off electronic devices or placing them on silent mode, finding a quiet place to sit, and avoiding sitting next to friends who might distract them.

Students can also improve their concentration by staying engaged during class. This includes actively participating in discussions, asking questions, and taking notes. When they are engaged in the class, they are more likely to remain focused, which leads to a better understanding of the topic.


These are just a few ways that help students focus on learning rather than scores. Grades are part of academic life, but it is not all. There are many legends who didn’t have any educational background, and they got the most prestigious rewards in education. These legends set examples and changed the course of human life through various discoveries. Let the students know about their names, like Albert Einstein, Rabindranath Tagore, Elton John, and Benjamin Franklin. They were all school-dopped-out personalities. So, learning is the best way to shine in academic life. This is the only way to get prosperity and success.                        

Author Bio:

Amber Halls has been a professional writer and online English lecturer for the last 10 years. She is also associated with MyAssignemnthelp.com and provides assignment help in Australia. Amber has done her MBA from Brown University, Australia. She loves travelling and vlogging. 

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Abdul Rehman

Abdul Rehman is a tech aficionado with a keen interest in exploring the latest innovations and trends. With 5 years of experience, his insightful commentary and in-depth analysis keep readers informed and engaged, offering valuable perspectives on the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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