
Introduction: What are Strategy Games?

Strategy games are a genre of video games that require players to think strategically and make decisions in order to succeed. These games usually involve managing resources, building and deploying armies, and engaging in tactical battles. The genre has been around for decades, with classic titles like Civilization and Warcraft setting the standard.

Strategy games come in various forms, including real-time strategy (RTS), turn-based strategy (TBS), and 4X strategy. Each type of strategy game offers a unique gameplay experience and requires different skills from the player.

In this article, we’ll discuss why you should play strategy games and highlight some of the benefits they offer.

The History of Strategy Games

Strategy games have been around since the early days of gaming, with classic titles like Chess and Go laying the foundation for the genre. Over the years, strategy games have evolved and transformed, from the earliest turn-based strategy games like Civilization to the fast-paced, real-time strategy games like StarCraft.

The history of strategy games can be traced back to the earliest board games, which required players to think strategically and make decisions in order to win. These games eventually gave way to computer-based strategy games in the 1970s and 1980s, with titles like Utopia and Empire paving the way for the modern strategy games we know today.

One of the most significant developments in the history of strategy games was the introduction of real-time strategy (RTS) games in the mid-1990s. Games like Warcraft and Command & Conquer allowed players to control and direct their armies in real-time, creating a fast-paced, action-packed gameplay experience that revolutionized the genre.

The early 2000s saw the rise of turn-based strategy (TBS) games, which offered a more thoughtful and strategic gameplay experience. Games like Civilization and XCOM allowed players to carefully plan out their moves and decisions, offering a more in-depth and immersive gameplay experience.

In recent years, strategy games have continued to evolve and push the boundaries of what’s possible in gaming. Games like Total War: Warhammer and Age of Empires IV have combined real-time battles with deep strategy and management mechanics, while games like Stellaris and Endless Legend have offered complex and challenging 4X gameplay experiences.

Why You Should Play Strategy Games

There are several reasons why you should consider playing strategy games:

1. Improve Problem-Solving Skills

Strategy games require players to think critically and make decisions based on available information. They often involve complex systems and mechanics that players need to understand in order to succeed. By playing strategy games, you can improve your problem-solving skills and learn to think outside the box.

2. Develop Strategic Thinking

In strategy games, you need to plan ahead and anticipate your opponent’s moves. This requires strategic thinking and the ability to weigh different options and outcomes. By playing strategy games, you can develop these skills and apply them to real-life situations.

3. Enhance Decision-Making Abilities

Strategy games often involve high-stress situations where you need to make quick decisions. By playing these games, you can learn to make decisions under pressure and develop your decision-making abilities.

4. Relax and Unwind

Strategy games can be a great way to unwind and relax after a long day. They provide a sense of control and accomplishment that can be hard to find in other areas of life. And with the rise of online multiplayer games, strategy games can also be a social activity that brings people together from around the world.

Types of Strategy Games

As mentioned earlier, there are several types of strategy games. Here’s a brief overview of each type:

1. Real-Time Strategy (RTS)

RTS games are fast-paced and require quick thinking and reflexes. Players need to manage resources, build structures, and train troops in real-time, while engaging in battles with other players. Some popular RTS games include StarCraft, Age of Empires, and Command & Conquer.

2. Turn-Based Strategy (TBS)

TBS games are slower-paced and allow players to carefully plan out their moves. Players take turns making moves and decisions, allowing for a more thoughtful and strategic gameplay experience. Some popular TBS games include Civilization, XCOM, and Heroes of Might and Magic.

3. 4X Strategy

4X strategy games involve exploring, expanding, exploiting, and exterminating. Players need to explore the game world, expand their territory, exploit resources, and exterminate enemies. These games often have a long-term focus and involve complex systems and mechanics. Some popular 4X games include Stellaris, Endless Legend, and Civilization.

The Future of Strategy Games

The future of strategy games looks bright, with developers continuing to innovate and experiment with new gameplay mechanics and ideas. Games like BLOCKLORDS are said to be the future of the Genre. BLOCKLORDS investors have raised $15m, to support a game which allow players to rewrite history by building their legacy from the ground up in a medieval metaverse – check out some exclusive BLOCKLORDS gameplay – and War Mongrels, which combines stealth and strategy in a World War II setting, offer exciting and unique gameplay experiences.

The rise of virtual and augmented reality also offers new possibilities for the genre, allowing players to immerse themselves in fully-realized worlds and battlefields. The future of strategy games is likely to see even more immersive and engaging gameplay experiences, with advancements in technology pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

In conclusion, the history and future of strategy games are marked by innovation, experimentation, and evolution. From the earliest board games to the complex and challenging 4X games of today, the genre has come a long way, and it shows no signs of slowing down. With exciting new games on the horizon and advancements in technology opening up new possibilities, the future of strategy games looks brighter than ever.


Strategy games offer several benefits to players, including improving problem-solving skills, developing strategic thinking, enhancing decision-making abilities, and providing a way to relax and unwind. With their engaging gameplay, immersive worlds, and challenging mechanics, strategy games are a great way to exercise your brain and have fun at the same time.

Whether you prefer the fast-paced action of RTS games, the thoughtful planning of TBS games, or the complex mechanics of 4X games, there’s a strategy game out there for everyone. 

olivia anderson

Olivia is a seasoned blogger with a flair for lifestyle and fashion. With over 6 years of experience, she shares her passion for the latest trends and styles, offering inspiration and guidance to her audience on all things lifestyle-related.

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