
How many Types of Preschool Curriculum

Education is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to open children’s hearts and minds to the unbelievable wonder of the universe. – Sir Anthony Seldon

Childhood is a precious time of laughter and joy. It is heartwarming to send the little ones to walk off for the first time to school; with a smile on their faces. What can parents do to ensure their children have a great start in education? They have to choose a school that is right for their children. 

Preschools are the stepping stones on the children’s educational journey. Preschools in Riyadh instill in the students; a lifelong love for learning. Parents face the substantial challenge of finding the one that is the best fit for their children and family.  

Parents looking for the best Preschools in Riyadh must consider the different available options. Parents can weigh the pros and cons and arrive at a choice that matches their vision for their children. The selection also gives parents an overview of the best schools in Riyadh for Indian expats

Preschools of Varied Pedagogies 

There is an impressive range of preschools from which parents can choose. The schools marginally differ in philosophy and how they guide the preschoolers into their first experience in formal learning. We shall explore some of the leading types of Preschools in Riyadh: 

  • Montessori 

The Montessori way of learning was developed, by an Italian doctor Maria Montessori, more than a century ago. The teachers and group leaders thoughtfully initiate student-driven learning in Montessori. Here, children have the autonomy to choose the activities that interest them the most. Montessori training develops in children a natural passion for learning and encourages collaboration and cohesiveness among preschoolers. The Montessori Method promotes cognitive, social, and emotional growth and development in young learners. 

  • Waldorf 

The Waldorf program is well suited for curious and gregarious children. This method is an amalgamation of creative learning and developing practical skills that endeavor to groom students into well-rounded personalities with a global outlook. The classroom environment in the Preschools in Riyadh is congenial. The schools fully nurture the potential of the learners.

  • Reggio Emilia 

Reggio Emilia’s method of learning is holistic and universal. The pedagogy is structured based on the children’s intelligence and emotional strength. The approach is student-centric and gives children the security and flexibility to express themselves freely. The activities and exercises invoke the active participation of the children, making personal involvement an essential aspect of this methodology. Reggio Emilia’s system promotes listening skills in highly interactive classrooms. Reggio Emilia’s mode of instruction fosters confidence, self-belief, and problem-solving capabilities in the children. 

  • Bank Street 

Lucy Sprague Mitchell developed the Bank Street system in the early 20th century. The Bank Street mode of instruction focuses on the whole of the child’s development. The Bank Street method of education nurtures the children physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually. 

  • High Scope

High Scope primarily is a play way method of learning. Children always learn best through games and other engaging activities. Learning hands-on is the focal point of this approach. The students develop the skills of troubleshooting, adaptability, and thinking out of the box in this pedagogy. The activities in High Scope promote experiential education. The High Scope program is well known for being community-focused.

  • Parent Co-ops

As the name suggests, Parent Co-ops have been formed by the coming together of a group of compatible parents of like minds. In Parent Co-ops, the parents engage qualified teachers who can fulfill their objectives and turn their vision for their little ones into a reality. Parents and teachers in Parent Co-ops work cohesively together, each taking over certain aspects of schooling. It is this feature that contributes to the overall success of this program. The advantage of Parent Co-ops is that it allows the parents to be a part of their children’s schooling in the formative years.

  • Religious

Religious preschools are taken care of by religious associations. These preschools are faith-based and include theology as a part of learning. The religious preschools follow the philosophy based on their beliefs. The entire focus of the curriculum will not be limited to religion. The religious type of learning believes in inculcating moral values in children from a young age.

The End Note

With all this information, parents have to evaluate each type of preschool. The ideal preschool for their children would blend the amenities and advantages of the different kinds of preschools. It is imperative to note the children’s aptitude and values of the family when it comes to vetting the options available.

The beginning of schooling is a magical time. Parents, having made the optimal choice, will have the pleasure of witnessing their children play, learn, laugh, and grow in the cherishing environment of the preschool. The love and care provided there would sustain them on their educational path. Today, your child is a happy beginner who will undoubtedly grow up tomorrow to be a committed learner.

Apart from this if you are interested to know more about Top Benefits of Choosing an International School then visit our Education category

ghiselle rousso

Kate Johnson is a content writer, who has worked for various websites. She is also a college graduate who has a B.A in Journalism.

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